What We Can Do to Protect Our “National Vegetable Baskets Project” Against Flood and Rainfall
The continuous heavy rainfall in the Yangtze River in South China has caused severe local agricultural disasters in southern China. According to data from the Department of Market and Information Technology of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the PRC, due to the heavy rains in the south and strong convective weather in the main summer vegetable production areas in the north, vegetable prices rose after three consecutive months of decline.
A total of 330 million CNY has been allocated for disaster relief in
agricultural production to support the restoration of production in southern
provinces after the disaster, repair agricultural facilities damaged by the flood,
and develop high-quality facility agriculture.
One of the National Key Investment Projects designed and constructed by KINGPENG
Group: Nanjing Agricultural Innovation Incubation and Exhibition Base, is a multi-span
intelligent film greenhouse equipped with both inside and outside shading
system, roof ventilation, cooling pad and climate control system. This is an important
project to be used as a R&D base of vegetable, fruit, and other crops.
Mr. Frank Zhang, the onsite engineer said:” Since the flood influence, the onsite working condition is very hard with water on floor and temperature in daytime reaches 38 degrees, and the construction are affected a lot.” This is a common problem in the greenhouse projects in South and East China.
KINGPENG, as the leading greenhouse On-Stop Supplier in China, with its
long history and experience in more than 60 countries, has made reasonable
adjustments to the construction plan, and workers are stepping up to catch up
with construction period, to add rain shelter and ventilation to help drying
the land, etc. and strive to make the Agriculture Park delivered to use
according to the original plan. Now the main frame structure will be done through
their hard-work.
China government has shown its positive attitude and promoted the stable production of local crop and vegetable called “National Vegetable Baskets Project”, it is sure that the facility agriculture industry will be spring up like bamboo after rain. And the industry participants like KINGPENG will also be engaged and committed in this project to develop and improve the overall level of the industry and service.
7th floor, Advanced Material Building, 7th Feng Hui Zhong Lu, Haidian District
Beijing, PRC, 100094
info@chinakingpeng.com (International)
0086-10-58711562(Китайский язык)
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0086-10-58711568 Ext 679 (Русский язык)